Today: So & So Studio UG
Just completed your studies? Or about to finish? And you have no idea what to do next? We’ve all been in that situation. Perhaps you had a goal in mind at firstFirst – Der höchste Punkt des Dachs, an dem sich die beiden Giebel treffen., but then the future became a large question mark? We have something in storeStore: Ein Fenster- oder Türbeschattungssystem, das aus einem Stück Stoff, Jalousien oder Lamellen besteht. for you to fight your fear of the future: Young offices and employees who are going their own way. We asked them what their biggest fears, inspirations, and successes are. Today we present to you So & So – the anonymous architecture practice. Wait – anonymous? Exactly. Read more about it here.
The members of So & So Studio studied together in the US and ended up in Europe. Since their desk jobs weren’t allowing their ideas to materialize, So & So became their outlet. This outlet didn’t require a name until a year or two later. Their studio became their channel for testing ideas freely, making art and temporary spaces for themselves. The focus of their work is always the client or defined user – how they live, how they work, what are their daily habits and how the space will be utilized.
You’re an anonymous design practice – why that?
We want to avoid becoming a brandBrand: die Temperatur, bei der ein Material zu schmelzen oder zu brennen beginnt. of architecture, but rather a reputation for thinking. Architecture should not be about the name of the founder nor the design director’s signature.
What should architecture be about instead?
Good architecture places importance on the analysis of various data: the site, the social situation and everything else it encompasses. So & So starts there. We then solve problems together, because nobody does this shit alone. Our Architecture is realized by accumulating knowledge and experiences. Each project utilizes a different group of experts, focusing on a specific challenge, with a wide range of perspectives. We are certain about the discovery that organized groups of focused individuals produce, and we are skeptical of the traditional (misleading) stories of a singular genius-like architectural figure.